Wednesday 5 August 2020

1 9 7 0 - Marcos Lázaro Produções - Michel Polnareff

Marcos Lazaro & Elis Regina.
11 January 1970 - Argentine impresario Marcos Lázaro managed the top schelon of Brazilian acts like Agnaldo Rayol, Agostinho dos Santos, Claudete Soares, Elis Regina, Erasmo Carlos, Jô Soares, Novos Bahianos, Roberto Carlos, Ronald Golias, Tom Zé, Vanusa & Wanderley Cardoso.
10 November 1970 - French singer-song-writer Michel Polnareff, of 'Love me please love me' fame, was visiting Brazil and took part in the yearly handing out of Molière Awards for the best in the theatre scene. Michel was born on 3rd July 1944, into an artistic family: his mother, Simone Lane, was a Breton dancer and his father, Leib Polnareff (Russian: Лейб Полнарёв) or Léo Poll [fr] was a Russian Jewish immigrant from Odessa who worked with Édith Piaf. He learned piano by age five and was a very good music student. He attended the Cours Hattemer, a private school. He learned the guitar, and after his studies, military service, and a brief time in insurance, he began to play his guitar on the steps of the Sacré Cœur.

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