Wednesday 5 April 2023

Cacilda Becker suffers a massive stroke on 6 May 1969


Cacilda Becker being helped out of a VW beetle by her beau Walmor Chagas some time in 1969. Cacilda would die on 14 June 1969, as a consequence of a massive stroke she had suffered 38 days before on 6 May 1969, while acting on Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot'.
Cacilda & Walmor a few weeks prior to her demise. 
13 April 1969
O Estado de S.Paulo, 7 May 1969

6 May 1969 'O Estado de S.Paulo' - Cacilda Becker was taken to emergency this Tuesday afternoon due to a massive stroke she suffered during the break of the first act of Samuel Beckett's play 'Waiting for Godot' which had been performed especially for students. During the 1st act Cacilda played her role with ease never showing signs of ill-health or uncomfortableness. After she left the stage and headed for the dressing room she sat herself in front of the mirror and started retouching her makeup. Cacilda suddenly lost consciousness and went into an instant coma. She was taken immediately to Pronto Socorro Santa Lucia whose doctors soon realized it was more dangerous than previously thought and sent her to Hospital São Luiz. At a quarter-to-nine pm after having been X-rayed Cacilda was taken into an operating theatre where doctors started an operation on her brain that would take hours. 
O Estado de S.Paulo,8 May 1968
Cacilda Becker's funeral on 15 June 1969
Cacilda with her son Luiz Carlos Becker aka Cuca