Thursday, 13 December 2018

1 9 5 8 - July to December - Luz Marina Zuloaga / Johnnie Ray

6 July 1958 - Jean Paul Sartre's 1946's 'A prostituta respeitosa' (La putain respecteuse) played by Maria Della Costa; Arthur Miller's 1955's 'Um panorama visto da ponte' (A view from the bridge) with Leonardo Vilar, Nathalia Timberg, Sergio Brito, Fernanda Montenegro, Francisco Cuoco at Teatro Brasileiro de Comedia.
6 July 1958 - at Teatro Cultura Artística's Small Auditorium Dercy Gonçalves is 'Dona Violante Miranda' written by Abilio Pereira de Almeida; at the Big Auditorium Max Perlman plays 'Tzurik Kain Isruel'.
27 July 1958 - OESP is quick in printing a radio-photo generated in Long Beach-California a few hours before depicting an 18-year-old Luz Marina Zuloaga, Miss Universe 1958 being kissed by her mother and Peruvian Gladys Zender, Miss Universe 1957. The Miss Universe Beauty Contest was avidly followed by thousands of Brazilians since Martha Rocha, Miss Brazil 1954 almost got elected the Most Beautiful Woman in the Universe. 

Terezinha Morango, Miss Brazil 1957 was the runner-up a year ago... and now Adalgisa Colombo, Miss Brazil 1959 repeated the performances of both Martha Rocha and Terezinha Morango being the runner up to Miss U yet again.
16 July 1958 - Mary Wynne was simply delightful on this particular Wednesday... she posts Caco Velho's guitarrist Fininho's photo and tells a few gossips about Vadeco at the Claridge Bar, Mary Gonçalves at A Baiuca and Maysa at Chicote...
3rd August 1958 - at Teatro Bela Vista Daphne du Maurier's 'Amor sem despedida' with Nydia Licia (Stela), Sergio Cardoso (Evan), Rita Cleos (Cherry), Wanda Kosmos (Ethel), Emanuele Corinaldi (Robert) and Guilherme Corre (Jimmy).
3rd August 1958 - at Teatro Bela Vista, the usual cast play Daphne du Maurier's 'September tide' translated by Lucia Benedetti as 'Amor sem despedida'. 
3rd August 1958 - Mary Wynne strongly recommends Italian singer Katyna Ranieri who was about to close her stint at African Boite and return to Italy.
3rd August 1958 - Ms Wynne is delighted with Mary Gonçalves again. As singer-song-writer Ataulpho Alves paid a visit to A Baiuca, Miss Gonçalves paid him a special homage, leaving her Anglo-American repertoire to sing only Brazilian songs mostly written by Ataulpho himself who brought his Missus along.
3rd August 1958 - Italian songstress Katyna Ranieri ends her stint at African Boite on Avenida Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio; Mary Gonçalves keeps strong at A Baiuca accompanied by Pedrinho Mattar's trio. 
7 September 1958 - Maria Della Costa premieres Brecht's 'A alma boa de Se-Tsuan' (Der gute Mensch von Sezuan).
14 September 1958 - Ms Wynne writes a good review about Ted Moreno's show at the Captain's Bar; she was particularly touched by Moreno's rendition of 'You stepped out of a dream' (Gus Khan-Nacio Herb Brown) from the 1941 MGM picture 'The Ziegfeld girl' that Moreno offered especially to the columnist. 
3rd October 1958 - General elections in Brazil on 3rd October 1958; 11 state governors, one-third of the Senate plus all the Federal & State Lower Houses. Sao Paulo swang to the right with Carvalho Pinto elected as governor and Padre Benedito Calasans for senator.  
19 October 1958 - TV Record announces Inesita Barroso in 'Brasil de canto a canto' on Sunday.
19 October 1958 - Half-an-hour before Inesita Barroso TV Record viewers could watch a great show with Norma Benguel, Elizabeth Gasper, Vera Regina and Grande Otelo... 

22nd October 1958 - Johnnie Ray aka Mr. Emotion or Prince of Wails would be performing live at Cine Arlequim from 28 October through to 5 November. 
26 October 1958 - The so-called Prince of WailsJohnnie Ray presented himself on the stage of Cine Arlequim, on Rua Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio, from 28 October through to 5 November 1958 - 8 days of recitals. 
2nd November 1958 - On Sunday, Johnnie Ray gave 2 recitals: at 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM. The opening show was a dream-come-true with the likes of clowns Arrelia & PimentinhaBetinho & his comboSylvio Mazzucca & his big band, William Fourneud, stand-up comedian Pagano Sobrinho, saucy Dircinha CostaGasolina, Neide Salgado, Cinderela, Ellen de Lima, saxophonist Bolão and 'many others'. I wonder who 'many others' were!
9 November 1958 - at Teatro Bela Vista, Suzana Freyre stars in 'Gigi' de Colette; at Teatro Paramount 'Encosta a cabecinha' a revue with a decidedly indecent title; they make a pun of Alcides Gerardi's #1 song 'Cabecinha no ombro' in which 'little head' means something else. See Eloina live.
30 November 1958 - Mary Wynne becomes sentimental telling a Thanksgiving lunch she had on Thursday, 27 November 1958, Thanksgiving Day.
14 December 1958 - The Gaeta Brothers from left to right: Mimo Gaeta who sings and plays violin, bass & mandolin; Uccio Gaeta (the boss) & Lino Gaeta who plays drums. The other members of the band are: Sergio (alto-saxophone), Walter (tenor-saxophone) and now singer Yara Lex who joined the band recently. They play at 707, at Avenida 9 de Julho, 707 every night. 
28 December 1958 - Show-girl Nelia Paula stars 'Daquilo que você gosta' with Costinha who had a wonderful year in the pictures.
11 January 1959 - Radio & TV Record gave away Roquette Pinto Awards for the best professionals in each field of activity in Radio and TV. The trophy was a figure of a parrot talking at a microphone made out of a yellowish metal and they were plenty: 73 statuettes in toto: 43 parrots for Radio people and 30 for TV technicians and performers.

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