Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Morales J. Morales 1 9 5 8 - January to June

12 January 1958 - Morales J. Morales depicts Sidneia Rossi, Guilherme Corrêa, Gustavo Pinheiro, Eduardo Waddington, Carlos Zara, Sergio Cardoso and Wanda Kosmo in Ariano Suassuna's 'O casamento suspeitoso'.
Ariano Suassuna.
19 January 1958 - from left to right: Edney Giovenazzi, Ana Maria Nabuco, Sadi Cabral in Sidney Howard's 'They knew what they wanted' (A mulher do outro)
Sidney Howard and Clare Eames. 
26 January 1958 - Milton MoraesOdete LaraAraçary de Oliveira and Manoel Carlos in Danilo Bastos' 'Society em baby doll'.
9 February 1958 - Morales J. Morales must have been impressed favourably by Walter D'Avila's performance at Walter Pinto's 'É de xurupito' at Theatro Paramount.
16 February 1958 - Moliere's 'Le médecin maigré lui' (Médico à força) at Teatro São Paulo.

23rd February 1958 - Gianfrancesco Guarnieri's 'Eles não usam black-tie' (They don't wear black-tie' was the most exciting play of 1958.
2nd March 1958 - Actor Sergio Cardoso is seen here receiving two different awards for best-actor for 1957: from the hands of Sao Paulo governor Janio Quadros he receives a bag of dough for his portraying of Shakespeares's 'Hamlet'; from the president of 'Sao Paulo's Theatre-reviewers Association' he gets a medal for his work in Robert Anderson's 'Chá e simpatia' (Tea and sympathy).

9 March 1958 - TBC presents Guilherme Figueiredo's 'A muito curiosa historia da virtuosa matrona de Efeso' with Fernanda MontenegroSergio BrittoNathalia Timberg & Leonardo Villar.

16 March 1958 - Claude Magnier's 'Uma cama para três' with Sergio Cardoso, Carlos Zara & Vera Nunes.
23rd March 1958 - Teatro Novos Comediantes presents Isaac Gondim Filho's 'A hora marcada' with Córdula Reis, Rosires Rodrigues, Pérola Moreira, Altamiro Martins, Cleber Martins and Tarcisio Magalhães Sobrinho.
30 March 1958 - from left to right: Elias GleizerDina LisboaDalia Palma (as Anne Frank writing on her diary), Walter AvanciniFelipe Carone, Esther Mindlin Guimarães and Maria Dilnah.
13 April 1958 - Brazil's most popular actress-comedian Dercy Gonçalves in a play by one of Brazil's most celebrated playwrights Nelson Rodrigues who actually re-hashed his old play 'Dorotéia' giving it a more 'scandalous' name: 'Vinde ensaboar vossos pecados' (Come and soap up your sins!). OESP theatre columnist sheds a bit of light on the whole thing. Show-girl Nelia Paula and film actress Darcy Coria on supporting roles.
20 April 1958 -
4 May 1958 - at Teatro Cultura Artística, Jean Anouilh's 'A valsa dos toureadores' (La valse des toréadors) directed by Augusto Boal, stage set by Gianni Ratto.with Milton Moraes, Vanda Marchetti & Liana Duval.
11 May 1958 -
25 May 1958 -
 1st June 1958 - Brazilian playwright Abilio Pereira de Almeida apparently wrote 'Dona Violante Miranda' having Dercy Gonçalves in mind...

8 June 1958 - Michael Vincent Gazzo's Broadway hit 'A hatful of rain' adapted as 'Juventude sem dono' in which American addiction to cocaine & heroin is treated as if it were a Brazilian problem.
'Juventude sem dono' (A hatful of rain) - a gritty Broadway play about drug addiction, ran for 389 performances in 1955-1956. It starred Ben Gazzara and Shelley Winters in the two lead roles, and subsequently was adapted into a film by Oscar-winning director Fred Zinnemann in 1957. The movie was nominated for an Academy Award for best-actor in a leading-role (Anthony Franciosa). 
15 June 1958 -
1st June 1958 - new-faces Altamiro Martins and Rosires Rodrigues reading Emlyn Williams' 'Trespass' (Transgressão).
22nd June 1958 - The visit of Prince & Princess Misaka from Japan as seen by Morales J. Morales.
 29 June 1958 - Nathalia TimbergLeonardo Vilar and Eduardo Waddington in Arthur Miller's 'Um panorama visto da ponte' (A view from the bridge).

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