Thursday, 13 December 2018

1 9 5 8 - January to June - Cinderela / Johnny Alf / Almir Ribeiro benefit concert

19 January 1958 - Henrique Pongetti's comedy 'Society em baby-doll', directed by Augusto Boal at Teatro de Cultura Artística with Odete Lara, Manuel Carlos, Araçary de Oliveira, Milton Moraes & Rita Cleos.
19 January 1958 - Mary Wynne, hailing from Texas, U.S.A. says the temperature has reached a 100 degree Fahrenheit.
4 January 1958 - Mary Wynne was a superb columnist; she wrote with her hear; that's why her texts are such a delight to read. Her Portuguese is excellent; I wonder who edited her text. Here she says how much fun she had with Vadeco & Odilon outfit at the Claridge Bar. She must've been close to the members of the band. She says vibraphone player Arnaldo (from Campinas) sometimes would leave his instrument got the microphone and started fooling around until the whole house was a pandemonium. Ms Wynne delighted in their rendition of Johnny Mercer's 'Dream' by CinderellaVadecoOdilonArnaldo & Saba doing their best Pied Pipers impersonation. She also mentions 'Little darling', 'Banana boat', carnaval hits and especially 'Green door' that brought Mary memories of her native Texas, as the song was written about a 'green door' at the Musicians Union Club in Dallas, Texas.
19 January 1958 - Mary Wynne writes about the latest heat wave that swept Sao Paulo in the summer of 1957-1958; she says she was used to high temperatures; they reminded her of her native Texas where 100 degree Fahrenheit was common during the Northern Hemisphere summer. Ms Wynne tells how pleasant driving to Bon Voyage at Raposo Tavares km 13 is...

26 January 1958 - Mary says guitar virtuoso Paulo Nogueira aka Paulinho Nogueira who has played at Michel's for years has finally made up his mind to move along. Mary also says Rosaria Meireles, one-3rd of the popular Irmãs Meireles has ended a fortnight stint at African Boite; Heitor dos Prazeres & his samba-school will be the next attraction.

19 January 1958 - Sidney Howard's 'A mulher do outro' directed by Augusto Boal with Ana Maria Nabuco, Lelia Abramo, Edney Giovenazzi etc. 
19 January 1958 - Ariano Suassuna's 'O casamento suspeitoso' with Sergio Cardoso, Wanda Kosmos, Carlos Zara etc. at Teatro Bela Vista.
28 January 1958 - If you went to Rio de Janeiro you could watch Nelson Rodrigues' latest drama: 'Perdoa-me por me traires' at Teatro Carlos Gomes.
2 February 1958 - It's a pity Mary Gonçalves picture is so bad; one can only see she's wearing a hat and probably gloves too. Miss Gonçalves played the Sylvia (done by Joan Crawford in the movie) in Clare Booth Luce's 'The women' broadcast by TV Tupi. Mary started her career as an actress actually.  
9 February 1958 - Mary Wynne was saddened when she entered Michel's Bar and noticed that most of its space was sacrificed in order for Jimmy Christie to build dressing-rooms to accomodate performers as the bar has been upgraded officially as a 'boite' (night-club).
Cinderela made singing rumbas her specialty! And she dressed accordingly...  
16 February 1958 - Ms Wynne writes a little biography of Cinderela (real name: Luiza Trevisan).
16 February 1958 - Ms Wynne gives an account of how she was invited to visit the Golden Ball to see Betinho & his combo. As they arrived they realized Betinho had gone to Rio for the Carnaval celebrations but his combo was there. Singer-pianist Johnny Alf was there with his Trio and played while Betinho's combo had a rest. Ms Wynne really appreciated Mr Alf's rendition of Harry Belafonte's 'Banana boat song' and 'Matilda'.
23 February 1958 - Morales J.Morales' impression of Gianfracesco Guarnieri in 'Eles não usam black-tie' (They don't wear black-tie).
9 March 1958 - Teatro de Arena's Gianfrancesco Guarnieri & Miriam Mehler in 'Eles não usam black-tie', a box-office hit and well-received by the reviewers.
9 March 1958 - ad boasting the wonders of Punta del Este, a resort town in Uruguay which boasted the best cinema-festival in America... Brazilian pop singers made their day performing at the various night club there; Italian stars Antonella Luardi and Rossana Podestà were attractions in the film festival, but the Brazilian columnist was not impressed at all saying they were short and scrawny and unattractive... 
 11 March 1958 - Show-girl and comedienne Sonia Mamed starred in 'Bom mesmo é mulher' at Teatro Recreio. See old-timer Aracy Cortes who had been a star in the 1930s still going strong in some supporting role.
11 March 1958 - Sao Paulo's vanguard Teatro Brasileiro de Comedia presents Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon's 'Treze à mesa' (Treize à table) with Celia Biar, Mauro Mendonça, Teresa Raquel, Newton Prado at Teatro da Maison de France.
'Treize à table' with its 1953 original cast: Luiz Linhares, Celia Biar, Paulo Autran, Cleyde Yaconis & Waldemar Wey. 
23 March 1958 - draftsman Morales J.Morales' depiction of a scene of play 'A hora marcada'.
20 April 1958 - Ballet dancer Joshey Leão & wife Kethy had recently opened 'O Recanto', a restaurant on Avenida Utinga, 1,100 in Santo André. 
23rd March 1958 - Isaac Gondim Filho's 'A hora marcada' at Teatro Novos Comediantes at Rua Jaceguai, 520 - between Rua Santo Amaro and Rua Manoel Dutra, Bela Vista.
23rd March 1958 - at Teatro Bela Vista, Vera Nunes, Sergio Cardoso & Carlos Zara play 'Uma cama para três' (A bed for three).
6 April 1958 - Talkin' about rock'n'roll look who's singing at Teatro Paramount! None other than Bill Haley himself... the man who started rock'n'roll with his 1954 recording of 'Rock around the clock'.
25 April 1958 - Bill Haley & His Comets play at Atlético Santista Club's arena in Santos-SP.
6 April 1958 - Cia.Nydia Licia-Sergio Cardoso presents Claude Magnier's 'Uma cama para três' with Vera Nunes, Sergio Cardoso & Carlos Zara; at Teatro Maria Della Costa 'O diario de Anne Frank' with Dalia Palma, Dina Lisboa, Elias Gleizer, Raul Cortez, Walter Avancini directed by Antunes Filho.
13 April 1958 - Mary Wynne is happy to finally publish a photo of Johnny Alf & his Trio; she says Alf kept on promising to get of photo of the trio but never did until the drummer Antoninho took the task on himself and produced the photo: from left to right: Azeitona the bass man, Antoninho on the drums & Johnny Alf the piano man and singer... 
27 April 1958 - at Teatro Cultura Artística, Jean Anouilh's 'A valsa dos toureadores' (La valse des toréadors) directed by Augusto Boal, stage set by Gianni Ratto. It was first set in Paris in 1952.
28 April 1958 - Benefit concert for the family of late singer Almir Ribeiro who tragically drowned  in Punta del Este, Uruguay on 18 February 1958.

29 April 1958 - the most popular Brazilian comedienne Dercy Gonçalves in 'Vinde ensaboar vossos pecados' written by Nelson Rodrigues. 
30 April 1958 - Mary Wynne says the benefit-concert for Almir Ribeiro's family was a smash hit on Monday night at Theatro Paramount. 
2nd May 1958 - probably the greatest of all Brazilian show-girls, Virginia Lane in 'Bom mesmo é mulher' written by J.Maia, Max Nunes & Meira Guimarães.
11 May 1958 - OESP cartoonist Morales J.Morales sketches Virginia Lane in 'Bom mesmo é mulher'. 
11 May 1958 - Portuguese Fado singer Amalia Rodrigues has a special one-night-only recital at Teatro Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro.
17 May 1958 - Nelson Rodrigues' 'Vestido de noiva' with Nydia Licia, Carlos Zara, Wanda Kosmos, Ruth de Souza etc. at Teatro Bela Vista. 
17 May 1958 - recently inaugurated Cine Olido had orchestral concerts on Sunday mornings - 10:00 AM presenting a programme including pieces by Berlioz, Strauss, Grieg, Rossini etc. German violinist called here Herr Lothar Gebhardt accompanied by the Olido Great Orchestra conducted by Rafael Puglielli.
17 May 1958 - Mary Wynne made downtown Sao Paulo her home. She was comfortable taking cabs all around town and going from one night club to another at the flick of a switch. Leaving Othon and heading straight to the African Boite to catch up with Lana Bittencourt's first night. The show was opened by Chilean nightingales Doris y Rossie. Lana entered exuberant wearing an ultra-modern royal blue frock. She was bubbly, showing off all the tricks of her beautiful voice and numerous gestures and facial expressions. She sang enough to fill 2 albums, including 'Little darling', 'Alone', Summertime', 'Love me forever' and a lot of sambas. Crowded house, boisterous applause and buoyancy in all tables presaging a successful stint.
17 May 1958 - six different shows in São Paulo in the winter of 1958...
19 May 1958 - Gianfrancesco Guarnieri weds Cecilia Thompson (born in São Paulo in 29 June 1936). Cecilia was an actress at Teatro de Arena & played a part in Roberto Santos' 'O grande momento' (1958).
15 June 1958 - Teatro Brasileiro de Comedia celebrating its 10th year 1948-1958 presents Arthur Miller's 'A view from the bridge' (Um panorama visto da ponte) with Leonardo Vilar, Nathalia Timberg, Sergio Britto, Fernanda Montenegro & Francisco Cuoco.

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