Tuesday, 17 January 2017

1 9 6 2 - Jewish theatre T.A.I.B. - Saloon at rua Augusta

6 June 1962 - Revista do Radio n. 664 shows a full-page ad with Leonardo Vilar & Cleyde Yaconis in their programme on Channel 9, TV Excelsior on Thursdays at 8:30 PM.
'Melodias', says 'Zé do Burro (main character in 'O pagador de promessas') switched the scissors for the stage. He had been trained as a tailor when he was young but when a young man chose the stage as his real calling. 
18 November 1962 - Teatro Record & Otelo Zeloni present the 1956 Italian musical-comedy 'Boa noite, Betina' (Buona notte, Bettina) written by Sandro Giovannini, Pietro Garinei & Gorni Kramer which made Walter Chiari & Delia Scala famous. Brazilian show-girl Anilza Leoni plays Bettina and Otelo Zeloni the part played by Chiari in Italy. 
18 November 1962 - Jewish theatre TAIB - Teatro de Arte Israelita Brasileiro at Rua Três Rios, 252 was designed by Mange, Martins & Engels and opened for the public in 1953. Reflecting Brazilian-Jewish cultural decadence it closed its doors in the 1980s and have been abandoned since then. 

whatever remained of Teatro TAIB in 2016.
TAIB - Teatro de Arte Israelita Brasileiro - was opened in 1953.
TAIB functioned as a theatre up to the 1980s.
18 November 1962 - at Teatro Natal singer-actress Laura Suarez stars in 'Henrique Pongetti's 'Society em baby doll'. Laura was born on 23 November 1909, the same year Carmen Miranda was born in Portugal. Laura as Ms Miranda also worked in the USA for some time. In 1962 Ms Suarez was 53 years old but still played vigorous women on the stage. 
Laura Suarez was crowned Miss Ipanema 1929.
18 November 1962 - Mary Wynne mentions singer Martha Janette and pianist Fred Feld who's been playing at Djalma at Praça Roosevelt, owned by keyboard-player Djalma Ferreira.  
18 November 1962 - a brand-new night-club would open  on 30 November 1962; owned by impresario Paulo Cotrim - who already had Juão Sebastião Bar; Saloon at Rua Augusta, 2203, would soon be the talk of town as far as the 'younger set' was concerned. 
30 November 1962 - Mary Wynne dedicates her whole column at Estadão for the opening night of Saloon - the newest night club in Sao Paulo. 
30 November 1962Juão Sebastião Bar at rua Major Sertório, 772 would close on Friday night because everyone went to the opening of Saloon its 'baby-brother' basement night-club on rua Augusta, 2203. This sort of place was usually called 'inferninho' (little hell) by the 'younger set'. The ad says: 'um subsolo anti-atômico para sua guerra fria' (a fall-out shelter for your Cold War)...
2 December 1962 - at Teatro  Municipal Josehey Leão & Mozart Xavier - the 2 senior dancers show their skill with Yara Rossi & Maria Leite...all under the guidance of Maria Olenewa
11 December 1962 - inauguration of 'new' Teatro Santana on 13 December 1962; actually the real Teatro Santana, on rua 24 de Maio was demolished in 1958; it had been a major theatre since the turn of the century. This 'new' Teatro Santana was built on rua Amador Bueno, 209, a side-street from Avenida Ipiranga having Cine Marco Polo on the corner... this 'new' Santana was strictly 'teatro de rebolado' or 'burlesque'... only musical comedies with lots of show girls and off-colour jokes uttered by second-class comedians. The 'new' Santana was in the same line of business as Teatro Natal (red room & blue room) which was a 'resurrected' Odeon, on rua da Consolação, demolished even earlier than Santana. You see, there was a tendency to become cheaper with the passing of time. Every demolished theatre would be replaced by a cheaper version somewhere else - usually a seedier location.

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