Monday, 25 February 2019

Mary Wynne, an American journalist working in Sao Paulo

Carmen & Aurora Miranda's sister act as seen by Mary Wynne in Campinas in 1937.

Mary Wynne had a night-club column at daily 'O Estado de S.Paulo' started in the mid-1950s that lasted all the 1960s...

According to information supplied by herself, she was born in Texas. We don't know when she actually moved to Brazil but it must have been in the 1930s or even before for as she declares in April 1956, she saw Aurora and her sister Carmen Miranda in a 'sister act' in 1937. 
8 April 1956 - Mary Wynne says she met Aurora Miranda & Carmen Miranda in the 1930s, Campinas-SP when they had a 'sister act' meaning they sang in a duet. As we know Carmen left Brazil for the USA in 1939, Ms Wynne must have met them in 1937 or 1938.

Mary also says she had a chance to meet Miss Miranda again in Dallas, Texas when Carmen performed at the Baker Hotel's Mural Room. No date was forwarded. 
19 December 1956