Saturday, 24 November 2018

Berta Zemel, actress

Berta Zemel nee Bertha Zemelmacher was born in Sao Paulo on 6 August 1934. She was already 38 years old when she got the title-role in 'Vitoria Bonelli', a nightly soap-opera broadcast by TV Tupi from 13 September 1972 through to 14 July 1973. Ms Zemel died on 25 February 2021
Nathalia Timberg & Berta Zemel in 'Duas Cabeças', Grande Teatro Tupi, 1951
Berta Zemel is congratulated by Leonardo Vilar for her Sacy in 1962.
Zemel in Dostoievsky's 'White nights' staged at TV Tupi. 
'Melodias' column 'Gente de Teatro' of June 1964, brings a photo of Berta Zemel, Odavlas Petti (*1929 +24 July 1997) and Gustavo Pinheiro in Dostoievsky's 'White Nights' Noites brancas), produced by Teatro Popular do Sesi, translated and adapted by Ms Zemel herself. It opened on 28 February 1964, at Teatro Maria Della Costa. It ran for months on end. I must have seen it by the end of 1964. It was the first time I saw a real theatre play in my life. 
'Vitoria Bonelli' ran from 13 September 1972 through to 14 July 1973.
Berta Zemel & director Geraldo Vietri at the set of TV Tupi's 'Vitória Bonelli', in 1972.
revista 'Amiga', 1973.
Ana Maria Dias (Verônica), Tony Ramos (Tiago), Carlos Alberto Riccelli (Mateus), Flamíneo Fávero (Lucas) & Berta Zemmel (Vitoria Bonelli). 
Monthly magazine 'Melodias' of January 1973, interviews Berta Zemmel who was on the top of her popularity playing a middle-aged woman called Vitória Bonelli, at TV Tupi's 6 days a week. Zemmel declares: 'Vitória says the things I like'. 

Berta confesses she's a shy and simple woman who found in the character she portrays at the novela a little of her own Ego. 

Miss Zemmel says she was born and raised at the inner suburb of Bela Vista. 'I graduated at Escola de Arte Dramática, a department of USP, class of 1955, which had its premisses at the top floor of Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia, on Rua Major Diogo, Bela Vista. My first professional job was in 'Hamlet' at Teatro Bela Vista, which was owned by Sergio Cardoso, in 1956.  
Berta as Victoria Bonelli... 

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