Saturday, 17 November 2018

1 9 5 9 - July to December

Fabio Cardoso & Berta Zemel in 'Romanoff & Julieta'
5 July 1959 - Peter Ustinov's 'Romanoff and Julieta' with Berta Zemel, Fabio Cardoso, Carminha Brandão, A. Fregolente, Marina Freire, Francisco Cuoco, Newton Prado, Tereza Rachel, Mauro Mendonça, Antonio Ganzarolli, Cazarré, Marcello Bittencourt and Orlando Duarte. 

5 July 1959 - Teatro Natal would never stop with the burlesque theatre: 'Contra mão n.2' says goodbye on Sunday and 'Todas elas são barbadas' starts on Thursday.

12 July 1959 - Mary Wynne facetiously wishes happy birthday to Fabrizio Fasano who she calls one of the 'owners of Sao Paulo's night-life' besides being a 'hunk' (um bonitão também, não?). Frabrizio is a 'pet' of hers since he lived in Texas for 5 years having attended the University of Houston. 

Mary seems to really miss Mary Gonçalves who left for Chile in early March but says that Vadeco, Odilon, Plinio & company - the band that substituted Miss Gonçalves, have a strong fan-club; especially singer Wanda Curtis who has a special table reserved for herself after she finishes crooning at Michel's. Wanda declares she thinks Odilon is could be the best comic-singer in Brazil.

26 July 1959 - Busy night-life in São Paulo. Agostinho dos Santos would open at Chicote; Dolores Duran sang at Michel's accompanied by Walter Wanderley & his quartet while regular Fred Feld was having holidays in Copacabana.
20 September 1959 - Dercy Gonçalves filled Teatro Cultura Artística every night with Abilio Pereira de Almeida's 'Dona Violante Miranda'. 
Darcy Penteado in 1959.
20 September 1959 - Costume designer Darcy Penteado is awarded the best costume-designer by Bienal das Artes Plasticas de Teatro

12 November 1959 - at Teatro Recreio, 'Te futuco... num futuca!' with Grande Otelo, Vagareza, Augusto Cesar, Isa Rodrigues & Vera Regina.
22nd November 1959 - Zeloni & his company present 'Tá rosa... e não está prosa' with Renata Fronzi.
22nd November 1959 - at Teatro Record 'Você falou... tá falado!' with show-girls Mara Rubia and Consuelo Leandro who could also play comedienne.

6 December 1959 - By the first week in December 1959, Dolores Duran who had died in her sleep in early morning hours of Saturday, 24 October 1959, was # 1 with 'A noite do meu bem'. US band-leader Ray Conniff had the best selling album with 'S Hollywood while Neil Sedaka sold a lot of his very first album for RCA.

Sonia Mamed stars in 'Ai vem a alegria'.
19 December 1959 - At Teatro Jardel, Sonia Mamed stars in 'Vou à lua de lambreta' while ''Aí vem a alegria' her first film in a starring role plays at Palacio, Roxy etc.
19 December 1959 - Carlos Manga's 'O palhaço o que é? star Carequinha & Fred plus Sonia Mamed who starred also in 'Aí vem a alegria' and could be seen live at Teatro Jardel in 'Vou à lua de lambreta' every night at 8:00 and 10:00 PM.

3rd January 1959 - daily 'O Estado de S. Paulo' reviews Sao Paulo's theatre during 1959, which was an eventful year for Brazilian theatre as a whole. Brazilians were in the process of getting to know themselves... to break free from the balls & chains of cultural European colonization.

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